ROYALTIES is a tailor-made "creator program" for future professional musicians and music industry professionals. It's for those who, as ambitious talents, have passion and a dream to make a living working seriously in the music industry. We created the campaign last year, and we were honored to be asked to develop and produce this years campaign as well. We wanted to showcase how different types of talents all benefit from what the program has to offer. We centered the campaign around two individuals, who had different backgrounds in the music industry. One being a musician and one being a manager. Two different roles, with different objectives but both of them developed and elevated their knowledge throughout the course. That was exactly what we wanted to capture through both the interview and the visuals.
At our first meeting we evaluated last year's campaign video. We discussed what went well and what could be improved. After the evaluation, we began the thought process of how we wanted this year’s campaign to be formed. From there we planed two meetings were we scouted talents and concretised the concept. At our final meeting we put down the dates for filming and the deadline for the project.
The filming of the project was complex in terms of coordination. Both talents had a busy schedule and we had to be really flexible in order to get all the different scenes in place. We ended up splitting filming up into five shorter days with everyday focusing on a specific scene in order to get through all the planned shots.
We had a lot of raw material, which needed to be sorted and categorised in order to get a full overview before starting the actual editing process. After the categorisation, we began cutting the two hour long interviews down into smaller segments. We wanted the interview to be edited and reviewed, before starting the next step. Royalties gave us the green light to progress and we began adding b-roll and effects to fully complete edit.
Do you have a project in mind? We would love to hear about it and help you out by giving you a free creative session to help get your creative ideas flowing.
Phone: +45 27 66 60 50 | Email:
Address: Larsbjørnstræde 5b, 2. sal, 1454 København K | CVR: 42890782
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